
About Us

Kaolin Group was founded in early 2012 with the purpose of beneficiating Kaolin from our mine on the West Coast of South Africa.

We have since evolved into a multi-facetted company, offering a wide range of products, patented technology and extensive experience in all matters related to Kaolin and its derivatives, both for local and international markets.

We have been operating under an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, to guarantee our product quality and performance.

Kaolin-Group - ISO 9001-2015 CertificationKoalin-Group - About

our team

Our team is exceptional. From the most junior staff members to the senior operators and production crews, our workforce on the ground is well-rounded, dynamic and exceptionally motivated. The shareholders steer the concerted efforts by means of their immense multi-focal expertise and business experience.

Our shareholders are:

  • Loanhead  holds strong affiliation with the logistic industry, and through their experience, particularly in Europe, America and West Africa are able to offer expert local knowledge, commercial awareness and sustainable investment support.
  • Jackie van Rensburg, an established entrepreneur and civil engineer with extensive background in mining, building, and property development; and
  • Petra Wiese, a highly successful business woman with 25 years of experience both locally and overseas in the fields of construction, design, project management, entrepreneurial consultancy.

Our senior operators, our laboratory technician and our chief mechanic – all of whom are well and truly used to stringent quality controls and ISO-certified production standards – combine well over 75 years of experience in their respective fields with resolute leadership and their staff’s skills development.

Kaolin-Group - Our Team - About Us

KG and KG-PC – BBBEE and CSI

Kaolin-Group - Ulwazi Centre AtlantisKaolin-Group-Creche kids

Due to the strong development work completed by KG-PC in the past 4 years, we are currently classified as a “micro enterprise” with a turnover less than 10 million Rand. We are hence classified as a Level-4 contributor on the BBBEE Scale.

Going forward we strive to increase our contribution level, by focusing primarily on

  • Skills development (ongoing in-house training and employment of youths)
  • Employment Equity (striving to train especially female operators, & management staff)
  • Preferential Procurement (focusing as much as possible on BBEEE entities offering local content for our products)
  • Socio Economic & Sector Specific Contributions (Creche in Atlantis, sponsoring math & science programs especially)

KG & KG-PC have provided an entire, secure and custom-designed Building, on 1500 m2 grounds for a créche in Atlantis, which is one of the most under- privileged areas in the Western Cape:

  • The créche is the only safe ECD for children in the area.
  • We invest in education and training of children and young under-privileged youth.

By mid 2020 all of our employees will be part of a trading entity, which sells KG & KG-PC products.

Our current staff, including management consists of:

  • 20% whites and
  • 80% black and coloured members
    • of which 20% are black/coloured female members
    • of which 5% are disabled members
Seperation Line

Head Office : Beautifull Life Building, 70-74 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa   Tel : +27 21 424 5958 | Fax : +27 86 612 4536

Production Plant : 7 Louwtjie Rothman Street, Atlantis Industria, 7349, Cape Town, South Africa   Tel : +27 21 577 2776 | Fax : +27 86 612 4536

Product and Technical Enquiries : enquiries@kaolin-group.com
Sales Enquiries : sales@kaolin-group.com

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